Does your fund have a winning investment culture?

Does you fund have a winning investment culture

Given its opacity and difficulty to understand from an outsider’s perspective, culture is often underrated within investment firms. But at Montaka we believe culture is one of the most vital components in delivering superior long-term investment returns.

Why have investors become theme junkies?

Theme junkies

In today’s high-gratification world, it is natural for investors to chase these intellectual hits and gravitate towards sources of new themes. The only problem is, it remains far from clear if these new themes are even themes at all.

Misunderstood Multiples and Montaka’s Solution

Should you just look at Multiple?

When you look at a multiple, it may seem high at first glance. But it is essential to focus beyond this and understand the underlying business, its growth opportunities and what current market expectations imply. Certainly, a high multiple can be a red flag for overvaluation. However, you cannot draw any real conclusions from that multiple in isolation.

Beyond Megacap Tech: Blackstone Begins its Boom

Blackstone set to soar

Blackstone – the alternative asset management firm stands at the edge of an incoming, multi-decade, secular inflection across asset management. What makes us believe that Investors have a window of opportunity with Blackstone right now? Read on to know our analysis.

Concentrated and Patient: How Active Investing Wins

How Active investing wins?

A select set of active managers who run concentrated portfolios and patiently hold their positions have been shown to significantly outperform over the long term. With passive strategies set to be challenged in the next decade, investors need Active investing avenues now more than ever.